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The Name

D.B. Evans

Mar 21, 2023

What is the Name above ALL names?

What is the Name of God? 

For some odd reason, this topic is exceptionally controversial and divisive among those who believe.  But, for the sake of discussion, I will add some more interesting and controversial points to fuel to the fires of debate. 

The Name of God is mentioned thousands of times in the Bible, but no one ever says or uses it, why?


Why all the confusion?

Contoversy? Why is there so much confusion? It is in the Ten Commandments!  Not to take the Name in vain. But what does that mean? As in Deuteronomy, we are to “Love YHWH our God with all our heart, all our soul and all our strength”. Everyone says “the LORD” instead of trying to say the Hebrew letters, the original text of the four letters as the Name of God.  According to ancient linguistic experts the proper pronunciation is Yah hoe VAH.  Though that is itself just as heavily debated as is the Name itself; is "Yah hoe Vah" or "Yah hoe Wah" and so on.  It can get so heated that some are so entrenched they will cite the other as a heretic and a blasphemer for their mispronunciation.  (Though I think God knows who you're talking or referring to. )


Why change the Name?

Why do we not use or say the Name of God? Because ancient rabbinical teachings decided the Name was far too Holy to mention.  And if they didn’t mention it, they could never be held responsible for taking said Name in vain, and thus avoid violating the Second Commandment. ​ Another reason was an evil king (Antiochus IV) commanded the Israelites become pagan and never again mention the Name YHVH again.  It was to never be used or said or the person doing so would be executed.  This then became another tradition, one based in fear which continued the separation from the teachings and command of God. ​It is amazing that with the Name of God being mentioned over seven thousand times in the Bible, it is NEVER translated properly or entioned.  Jesus said we would not see Him again until we learn to cry “Blessed is He who comes in the Name of YHVH”  The name was again replaced by “the LORD” in Biblical translations.  Even in the great prayer of Israel and Moses, the “schma” “Shma Y’israel, Adonai eluhanu, Adonai echaad”.  Hear o’ Israel, the LORD our God, the LORD is One”.  The actual text correctly reads “Hear  o’ Israel, YHVH our God, YHVH is One”.  שְׁמַע, יִשְׂרָאֵל:  יְהוָה אֱלֹהֵינוּ, יְהוָה אֶחָד 


In truth, the command not to take the name in vain more appropriately applies to swearing falsely by His Name. 


Hidden Name, Hidden God


What are some of the mysteries surrounding the Name?​ The name of Jesus in the original Hebrew is Yeshua or Yah’s (short for YHWH) “salvation” or YHWH “saves”.  The name of Joshua is actually the same name “Yahashua”.  The name of the Prophets Jeremiah is in the Hebrew Yerima-YAH-hu, then there’s “Hezeki-YAH, Matthew is Mattit-YAH-hu, Isaiah is Yeshi-YAH-hu, Nehemi-YAH.  All have the emphasis on the familiar version of the four letter Name YHVH.Other Biblical persons have an earlier form for the name of God, the name “El”.  We see this alternate name in ancient Hebrew words like "El-ohim", "El-ohai", "El-Shaddai", and with Biblical names like "Ezeki-EL, or with angels like "Micha-EL", "Ari-EL" and "Gabri-EL".  ​This change occurs during the time of Abram (who becomes Abraham) and is seen with the discovery of what are known as the "Ebla Texts", where the Name "El" becomes the Name "Yah".It is fascinating that at the time God's root name changes, He changes the name of Abram to Abraham, Sarai to Sarah; then later Jacob to Israel.  There is great meaning to names in the Bible, they and their meanings should not be overlooked.  ​All we ever have or use for the Name of God are titles; “God”, “Lord”, "Adonai" (Heb. Lord), Ha Shem (Heb. "The Name") and so on.  He wants us to call on Him by Name, do not be afraid to, do not be ashamed to call His Name, He wants us to!  Just do NOT do it with vanity, falsely or without due reverence. All praise, Glory and Honor be to the Name of our God YHWH, however it is pronounced !  


What is contained in the Name?

Is there more to the Name than just how it's pronounced? But what is the Name we should use?  That still has not been resolved; so we will keep going.Another point to consider is the pictographs associated with the ancient Hebrew letters.  Many ancient languages also had pictorial meanings to their letter sets.  We see this best with Egyptian hieroglyphs.  This is also true with Hebrew.


      With the Hebrew Name of God there are four letters, Yod, Hay, Vav and Hay, YHVH or YHWH.  The W predates the use of the “V” sound, so “Yahowah” predates “Yahovah” or in the European variant “Jehovah”.  The letter "J" as we know it did not exist in the Hebrew.  Some commonly use the letter "J" and say "Je-hovah" but there is no letter "J" in Hebrew it comes from Northern European dialects e.g. German etc.  Like the ancient Egyptian written language, Hebrew can be depicted in pictographs as well.


      A fascinating “coincidence” takes place when looking at the pictograph meanings of the Hebrew.  The letter “Yod” has the pictograph of or for a hand.  The Hay letter can mean “to behold” or “to see”, or a “window”.  The letter “Vav” has the pictographs of a spike, hook or nail, and finally the letter “Hay” again, meaning to “see” or “behold”.      Thus the pictograph meaning for the most Sacred Name of God is “Behold the Hand, Behold the Nail”. Another point to keep in mind is in the original Hebrew, any vowels between the consonants were not included in the spelling, so any real pronunciation is long since lost and left up to scholars to theorize and debate the correct pronunciation. 


There is Power in the Name

The Sacred Name has deeper implicationsAnother somewhat controversial aspect of this discussion comes from what is known as the "Titulus".  This is the placard which was posted on the Cross at the time of the Crucifixion.  It had the name and crime Jesus (Yeshua) was accused of. 


A Name with powerThe Name of God has deeper implicationsHis Name and accusation was written in three languages, Latin, Greek and HebrewMost are familiar with the English translation "Jesus of Nazareth, King of the Jews".  Many are also familiar with the version "INRI" seen on many a crucifix, though few today understand what that means.


More Controversy?

Why is there so much confusion?It is the acronym for the Latin text which was included on the Titulus. It meant "I" for "Jesus / Yeshua", again there was no "J" in Hebrew or even Latin or Greek for that matter.  "N" was for Nazareth.  "R" was for the word Rex / Regis, meaning KING. Last was the"I" again in place of a "J" for "Yudaeorum", the Jews. ​


The INRI comes to us through the early Roman Catholic Church. However, when you use the likely Hebrew text (likely as there is great controversy on this), we have Yeshua Hanazaret, V'melech, Hayudaim.  Yeshua of Nazareth, (the / a / and) King of the Jews. ​But, the letters or acronym of that text is YHVH.  The abreviated covenantal Name of God. This would be a good reason why the ancient Priests, Scribes and Rabbis were so incensed when the placard was put up in the first place. ​It was forbidden to write the Name of God, especially in such a way. 


Now we meet Yeshua

The Name and the identity of Yeshua For now, a point which should always be remembered and few have considered are the subtleties in what the following Biblical declaration implies. 


And Yeshua came up to them and spoke to them, saying, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to Me. (Matthew 28:18 TLV)​If you have come to know Me, you will know My Father also. From now on, you do know Him and have seen Him.” 8 Philip said to Him, “Master, show us the Father, and it is enough for us.” 9 Yeshua said to him, “Have I been with you for so long a time, and you haven’t come to know Me, Philip? He who has seen Me has seen the Father. How can you say, ‘Show us the Father’? 10 Don’t you believe that I am in the Father and the Father is in Me? The words I say to you, I do not speak on My own; but the Father dwelling in Me does His works. 11 Believe Me that I am in the Father and the Father is in Me—or at least believe because of the works themselves.  (John 14:7-10 TLV)​


Who, though existing in the form of God, did not consider being equal to God a thing to be grasped. 7 But He emptied Himself— taking on the form of a slave, becoming the likeness of men and being found in appearance as a man. 8 He humbled Himself—becoming obedient to the point of death, even death on a cross. 9 For this reason God highly exalted Him and gave Him the name that is above every name, 10 that at the name of Yeshua every knee should bow, in heaven and on the earth and under the earth, 11 and every tongue profess that Yeshua the Messiah is Lord—to the glory of God the Father. (Phillipians 2:6-11 TLV)


Yeshua is Adonai (YHVH)!! Every knee will bowTo that name "EVERY KNEE WILL BOW, IN HEAVEN, ON  EARTH AND UNDER THE EARTH!" Think about that for a moment.  Every knee will bow, ~in heaven~; as well as on and under the earth. 

The name we are called upon to use is Yeshua! 


You may hear people say you must pray to "yah" or similar, but as that was the part of the YHVH which represents God the Father.  This is a misconception.  The ancient rabbis saw the "yud" letter as representative of the "Son" or "Moshiac / Messiah".  In the word "Elohim", the "yud" joining the two words "they" and "God" is the "yud".  So to use the word "Yah" as the short Name of God is completely inaccurate.  The word comes from the letter "yud" by itself and thus actually points to the Son and His name is THE NAME ABOVE ALL NAMES!​There is only one Name to call upon, only one Name above all names, the name of the Messiah, the Son of God, and His Name is Yeshua (Jesus)!Now wasn't this one interesting and rather fun?! 


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